Deserving Fund Spotlight: Laurinda Cummings

Laurinda is the first recipient of the Deserving Fund. Her role as sole caretaker of her parents, now in their high 80’s, stuck out to us, as we know how stressful, emotional, and draining this show of support can be, and how, as with the case with Laurinda, it’s easy to turn to negative and destructive health habit to self-medicate and escape. We look forward to hosting Laurinda this summer for a much-deserved health reset, and are honored that the Deserving Fund could help make her retreat a possibility. Thank you to Laurinda for having the courage to apply to the fund, and thank you to all of the Mountain Trek alumni who donated to the fund to make it possible. Read on to learn more about Laurinda, in her own words…

Who Is Laurinda Cumming?

Hi there! I’m Laurinda Cummings – mother of 3 grown, married, and off-the-payroll children AND grandmother of 6! A transplant from Michigan, I was moved to Alabama for Maxwell AF base. I must admit, I do NOT miss the snow but the heat is a definite challenge! I stay very active and am always willing to try new adventures, however…..if the activity is outside my comfort zone, I can usually be bribed with a cup of Dunkin coffee!

Laurinda with her best friend, Murphy

What was your thought process when signing up for a health retreat? Why Mountain Trek?

I’ve known that I needed a “reset” for a while. Caring for others full-time has not allowed any time for myself. My cup is definitely empty. I was searching for a place and staff that specialized in teaching others how to care for yourself so you can care for others. My search led me to Mountain Trek. I watched every Mountain Trek YouTube video and was impressed with the knowledge and compassion of the staff – my ears heard their words, but my heart was stirred to action! It was late at night when I sent my first email message, and Alex answered me almost immediately. I believe Mountain Trek was made to help and inspire people like me to continue to fulfill the responsibilities we face, daily. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to go, learn, and grow.

Laurinda at CrossFit – “I finally made it to the top”

If you had one extra hour each day, what would you spend that hour doing?

You will ALWAYS find me in my glass studio. I call it a “studio” to sound fancy, but it’s in my attic. It’s my solace. I’ve been working glass for over 30 years and enjoy repairing broken pieces so they can once again bring amazing light into people’s lives. I make doo-dads to sell at craft fairs and bigger windows and doors on commission. If I shake your hand, you’ll see about 3 or 4 band-aids on my fingers…. don’t ask!

Some of Laurinda’s stained glass creations.

Do you have a favorite quote?

My favorite quote is by John Maxwell. “Attitude isn’t everything, but it’s the one thing that can make a difference in your life.” There are many situations in your life that you cannot change, but I refuse to be a “victim of circumstance” – your attitude will always determine your altitude and I believe that a smile can change your day. I laugh a lot, cry a little, and rely on the hope of a better tomorrow. Thank you, John Maxwell!

Is there a funny moment in your life you’d like to share?

Funny story– I once dropped my child off a cliff while potty training— Yep!!! A stressed-out Mom, a toddler’s cry for a potty break, and the side of the highway at night DO NOT MIX. I thought I saw grass when I let go of his tiny little hands, but ahhhh, I was actually looking at the tops of trees! He was found, unharmed and laughing. He has since forgiven me 😊.

Craft night at the Woodshop

Thank you, Laurinda, for sharing your story of how you came to find Mountain Trek. Your selfless giving, eagerness to learn, and optimism are inspiring!

What is Mountain Trek?

Rated one of the best wellness retreats in the world and located in the healing forest of British Columbia, Canada, Mountain Trek is a week-long immersive health reset program proven to dramatically transform your body, mind, and spirit. Whether you feel overworked, overweight, or just in need of time to unplug, slow down, and recharge, Mountain Trek is for you.

To learn how our award-winning health retreat can help you melt stress away, restore energy levels, burn fat, purge toxins, and return home revitalized, recharged, and years younger than when you arrived, please email us at or reach out below:

Alumni Spotlight: Beth Featherstone

Beth Featherstone is passionate about her family and time in the wilderness. The passing of her uncle, a spitting image of John Muir in both looks and heart, inspired annual family horse-packing trips that bring together everything Beth loves most—a trip she draws enjoyment from all year long… 

“I laugh more that week than I do all year!”

She was disappointed when life events disrupted this year’s expedition. Admittedly, she could have booked something similar in its wake—a camping trip, time at a remote rental or ranch, or something similar—but Beth had read about Mountain Trek in a publication years back, and was compelled by the opportunity to experience something deeper than just immersion into nature. Beth knew she needed a health reset, so she seized the moment and booked a week…and got exactly what she was looking for.

Who Is Beth Featherstone?

I walked away from a high-powered marketing career to be a Mom and care for my critically ill brother. Being a Mom is what I was meant to do. I have never looked back.

My love of the outdoors came from my Uncle Ben, who I honestly thought was John Muir when I was a little kid. He had 8 horses – mostly Appaloosas, as they are the favored breed of the Nez Perce Indians who are great horsemen and women. He loved the Sierra Nevada Mountains and would take his horses up for an entire summer when his teaching job was on break and just live off the land. When he died, my family began taking a horse-packing trip every year to his favorite meadow near Emigrant Lake, where we scattered his ashes. It’s my favorite trip of the year for the wilderness and the family time. It is soul-cleaning for all of us.

Daily catch.  Emigrant Lake

What was your thought process when signing up for a health retreat? Why Mountain Trek?

I’d gained weight and was stressed out after a horrible year; my best friend died of cancer, my Mom got hit by a car that came through the front window of a shop she was in, and my son—a professional soccer player in Poland—had to cut his dreams short after a career-ending foot injury. I needed to step back and focus on getting healthy, and I liked that Mountain Trek promised a reset. It was exactly what I needed

What was your top takeaway from your time at the health retreat?

How far good calories can go….that feeding yourself more nutrient-dense calories means you need fewer of them, and how when timed right, your energy levels balance so you never feel hungry and low on energy, or over-stuffed and inflamed from excess blood sugar.

What’s your favorite memory of Mountain Trek?

I really enjoyed sitting around the table at dinner and getting to know the other guests and sharing aspects of our stories and the day’s activities with one another.

Has Mountain Trek changed the trajectory of your life?

I’m working hard to be more mindful of the choices I make and to be accountable. I decided my new mantra would be, “I’m a woman who makes healthy choices”. I liked Mountain Trek’s emphasis on meeting your goals by focusing on just one thing you can realistically commit to at that time. Program Director, Kirk (Shave), pushed people hard not to be too grandiose, “…start with something you can stick to and go from there”. My commitment was to sit at my dinner table 4 nights a week and eat without distraction. For the most part, I have stuck with it.

My favorite horse, Phoebe at Kennedy Meadows Pack Station

If you had one extra hour each day, what would you spend that hour doing?

Reading, there is never enough time, and there are too many great books.

Who inspires you and why?

My Mom – she’s 93, and she is a spitfire. She walks a mile every day and is up for doing just about anything. Her motto is, “Don’t let the old lady in.” She is slowing down a bit, but lives independently and is a model for how I’d like to be if God willing, I live that long.

Do you have a favorite quote?

“Not all who wander are lost.”

If you could invite one person, living or dead, over for a dinner party, who would that be and why?

My Dad, who passed 30 years ago. We had a difficult relationship, and we left a lot unsaid-what I wouldn’t do to right that wrong.

Where is your favorite hike in the world? What makes it so special?

I love hikes in Mount Rainier National Park. Anytime the clouds part, the hikes are magical. My favorite is the Naches Peak Loop, with a side trip to Dewey Lake. It’s best in fall when the leaves are turning. I also like to hike in Joshua Tree National Park, which is near my desert home.

Naches Loop Trail Mount Rainier NP

What is the most thrilling moment in your life?

Running the entire Colorado River through the Grand Canyon in a dory boat. Crystal Rapid was exhilarating and terrifying – the definition of an E-Ticket.

Celebrating a successful run of Lava Falls, Grand Canyon

What is something you could never go hiking and/or traveling without?

My hiking poles, and enough water! I’ve helped no less than 3 people get medical help while hiking in the desert because they got dehydrated.

What advice would you give to future Mountain Trekkers?

Don’t think – just do it!

Beth’s optimism, tenacity, and enthusiasm are inspiring and magnetic.

Thank you, Beth, for sharing your story and experience of Mountain Trek, and for inspiring us and those around you to savor the endless joys of nature.

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Our award-winning health retreat, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia, will help you detox, unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at or reach out below:


We really love what we do here at Mountain Trek and we hope you loved your experience with us. Taking you on a journey through the beautiful landscapes of the world while preparing you for a new healthy lifestyle is one of the best jobs a person can have. We really try hard to make sure everyone gets what they need out of their time with us so please let us know about your great experience on the sites below or send us a message directly. We look forward to hearing from you!

Read the many comments and success stories posted on TripAdvisor and other websites below.


Mountain Trek gave me the education and experience to make real life-changing goals. I learned so much and feel so invigorated! Everything I could have possibly needed was already planned for. A most wonderful adventure!


Mountain Trek is amazing in so many ways: the staff, the facilities, the views! The most amazing thing MT did for me was to show me that I am strong and there’s nothing I can’t tackle with a little sweat, support and one tiny step at a time.


This was my 4th experience with Mountain Trek. I learn so much each time I go and I take something home to incorporate into my life. It is a great way to reset your metabolism while having fun!

– Jackie

Mountain Trek is a journey that teaches you a lot about who you are as a person. It is not an easy trek but nothing in life worth doing is easy. The staff’s insights, knowledge, and passion is second to none. The real-time community that you build with other trekkers makes the daily challenge fun and achievable.

– Aman

The best thing I did for myself was to go to Mountain Trek in British Columbia. The 2nd best was go to Mountain Trek at Rancho La Puerta. My only regret is that I didn’t stay for 2 weeks.


Mountain Trek was the best investment I have ever made in my physical and mental health! I’ve learned so much here in one week about nutrition, lifestyle, hormones, stress and I lost 5 lbs of fat. Thank you so much!

– Shannon

While it was challenging for me- I think this is a unique combination of people, location, and expertise that offers an alternate to normal fitness retreats with intensive coaching, small groups, and a truly gorgeous location.

– Sayan

Wonderful reset with an amazing staff! It has been a great “reset” to my overscheduled life. Thank you!

– Denise

I came to Mountain Trek for 2 weeks to lose weight– I achieved that and much more. This program has changed my life. I left the facility with so many tools to maintain a happy & healthy lifestyle. Thank you all.

– Shirley

Doing something “can” change your life. Mountain Trek does change your life.

– Jack

Mind, Body & Soul Experience! If you are wanting a change in your lifestyle, look no further! Mountain Trek is a great program with great accommodations and friendly staff to help you on your journey, whatever your goals may be!

– Leigh

I experienced two weeks of a journey I have waited a long time to be a part of.  Wish I had found this place years ago. An opportunity to look inside, be active, cared for and reflect. A little piece of heaven.

– Loretta

I used to come to Mount Trek for weight loss, but I keep coming back for a holistic reset and a mindful adjustment.

– Sid


Everything about Mountain Trek exceeded my hopes and expectations. The staff was inspiring, the education was top-notch, and the scenery was gorgeous. This was a tough week, but at the end of it I was invigorated and so sorry I couldn’t stay longer. I’m already planning a trip back next year.

A special note: Mountain Trek is fantastically well set up for solo travelers, which is so unusual and very much appreciated.

                                                                                                                                                     – GF in Oregon

I was looking for a program to kick-start my fitness and get my body back into shape; Mountain Trek did that and so much more. It actually over exceeded my expectations. 

I have learned so much about nutrition, stress management, posture, fitness, detoxification, sleep management, etc. and also about how to integrate these new practical learnings into everyday life. The hiking trails were beautiful, the guides extremely knowledgeable and the food was really yummy. I came back home full of energy! 

I highly recommend this program. Worth every single penny.

                                                                                                                                                    – Izzy in Canada

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Our award-winning health retreat, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia, will help you detox, unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at or reach out below:


Mountain Trek Alumna, Adele, shows off her moves

After the passing of her husband, Adele Morrissette joined Mountain Trek in Mexico. There, another guest introduced her to ballroom dancing. Adele quickly fell in love with the partner dance, decided to semi-retire, and began competing. Fast forward four and a half years, she’s dancing almost daily, has competed in nearly 40 competitions, and has lost 25 pounds! We caught up with Adele to learn why she chose to come to Mountain Trek, how the program impacted her beyond she could have ever anticipated, and why she thinks Mountain Trek is the best face cream out there:


I am a semi-retired technology investment banker living in NYC who was suddenly widowed at age 57. I have always exercised, and I have always followed a relatively healthy diet, but a high-stress job requiring frequent travel resulted in a weight gain of about 25 pounds over the course of a decade. When my husband died suddenly at age 61, it caused me to rethink what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. We were a two-career couple without children.


About a year after my husband’s death, I decided to take a two-week vacation to focus on reclaiming a healthier and more physical life. I spent the first week at a yoga retreat in Southern California, then spent the second week at Mountain Trek’s program in Mexico. I chose Mountain Trek because I love hiking and the location (Tecate, Mexico, in February) worked well for the time of year. Additionally, the logistics worked.


I loved that the program was highly structured, both in terms of the physical activity schedule and the food, which was delicious. I am a morning person and enjoyed the morning yoga followed by an intense hike, with downtime in the afternoon to read and to think. I also liked the small group aspect of the program.

In one of the afternoon workshops, we were asked to journal about things we have wanted to do but have not yet gotten around to, and then share these thoughts with the group. I have always wanted to take formal dance lessons– jazz, ballroom, tango, ballet. A woman in my group piped up and said, “Well, you must come to the Fred Astaire dance studio where I dance–I will make an introduction for you when we return to NYC.” So, I took her up on it.

My one lesson a week then became four lessons a week, then six lessons a week, and then I entered my first competition. That was it. Six months later, I quit my job, began dancing six days a week, and now I compete eight to ten times a year. As a result of the exercise and a new focus, I lost the 25 pounds I gained, and a few more, and I feel so lucky to be able to do this.

Mountain Trek Alumna, Adele, shows off her moves


I do want to return to Mountain Trek soon, mostly to hike in the Appalachians again. Because of Board obligations, family obligations and the dance calendar, I need to plan a year in advance. I really love the hiking/yoga emphasis, and, most importantly, the absolutely beautiful natural environment of the programs. Nothing heals like nature.


Mountain Trek is not a program for those looking for a spa experience. I have done many of those and enjoyed them. But the Mountain Trek experience is closer to a “boot camp” that can accommodate guests of all ages with a reasonable degree of militancy. You will never catch me at The Ashram–that is way too intense. The Mountain Trek experience is a good compromise. It’s highly structured, and you will work your body, but there is sufficient downtime, a great appreciation of the healing property of the great outdoors, and you will go home with the best complexion you have had since you were 16 years old.

Thanks Adele! We really appreciate you taking the time to sit down with us and share your story. You are a true inspiration!

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Our award-winning health retreat, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia, will help you detox, unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at or reach out below:

Alumni Spotlight: Claudine-Chen Young

We are lucky to have Mountain Trek alum, Claudine Chen-Young, write this piece about her experience with Mountain Trek, unprompted.

Like many Mountain Trek guests, I’m an overworked, over-stressed, perpetually exhausted professional. Because of the busy work-life, I take extra pleasure in just stopping every now and then to soak in the peace, serenity, and majesty of nature’s beauty. It’s a wonderful counterbalance to my ordinary city life. There’s nothing quite like the crisp mountain air of the Kootenays, and the views from the MountainTrek property and the surrounding areas are absolutely breathtaking! Not to mention the food! If I wasn’t a lover of fine food I wouldn’t be battling a few extra pounds constantly! The food at MountainTrek is “spa cuisine” that is absolutely delicious! Even the presentation is Instagram photo-worthy. There are so many things special about MountainTrek and they keep me a repeat guest “trekking” from Washington DC to British Columbia again and again.

My first visit to MountainTrek was 11 years ago. I had indulged too much in a Thanksgiving meal, was going through relationship struggles and my choices were to vacation in sunny Jamaica (my native country) for the Christmas holidays or do anything else. I searched “luxury boot camp” on the internet (or something along those lines) and came upon a program called the “Turkey Burner”. By the name alone I was sold, and packed up for ten days snowshoeing in British Columbia. I had never even seen a snowshoe in real life. I took my packing list to the REI predecessor and asked “What’s a gaiter? I need those apparently.”

And that experience was life-changing. The staff and the quality of the program surpassed my expectations. The program was tough but not a sergeant style approach. I liked the holistic approach (they were talking about sleep health before the Apple Watch made it en vogue), and I lost a nice bit of weight as well.

I have tried other programs but nothing beats MountainTrek. To me, returning there gives me balance. It reminds me that it is rewarding to push myself physically but also to be kind to myself in other healthful ways, especially the mind through meditation, recharging, and just slowing down. If I go too long without a MountainTrek retreat I literally feel like something is lacking. Over the years I have done almost every MountainTrek offering — three times at the base lodge and international trips in Mexico, Peru, and Italy. This year I was scheduled for New Zealand just as the pandemic hit. Most recently during these COVID times, I have done two of the virtual Basecamp Weekend Retreats.

Every time I go/participate, I sit through all the lectures. Even though I have heard them before there is always something new to learn, and the program staff stays on top of the trends, latest diets, etc. — and educate on why they just don’t work. Although something new sticks with me each time, the core principles have never changed. Each time I leave a MountainTrek retreat, I incorporate positive adjustments in my life when possible. For example, taking baths to detox and trying to manage sleep better.

I have many “favourite” moments, but one that jumps to mind is upon arrival at the lodge on my second-to-last trip there. We put our stuff in our rooms and congregated on the front lawn to be greeted by a double rainbow! (I could only capture half in the photo above). I don’t think I had ever seen one before and it was a sign of the awesome week we were about to have.

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Join Claudine and the rest of the Mountain Trek Alumni at our award-winning retreat, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia, where you will unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at or reach out below:

Alumni Spotlight: Karen Bishop

Among a list of emotional and physical achievements, Mountain Trek helped Karen Bishop realize her love of hiking. Since joining the program, she’s hiked to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, and many peaks from here to there. Here, Karen Bishop details how the Mountain Trek program helped transform her life, and she shares the one thing she never fails to take away from the retreat. It’s not necessarily what you’d expect.  

Who is Karen?

I am a person in a state of evolution.  After retirement from a wonderful 36 year career with only one company, I took plenty of time to travel and connect with friends and family.  An early retirement was always the plan with the intent to become actively involved in the not-for-profit world and I am just beginning to map out this journey.  I am both daunted and motivated by the unknown.

What was your thought process when signing up for the health retreat? Why Mountain Trek?

The first time was simple–I did not feel good about my physical condition and I wanted to do something to make me feel better physically. The hiking piece sounded just right. I was not sure about the education piece but ended up learning so much, not just from the lectures but from the interaction with other guests from all over the world. Whether I am more or less fit, I go back to Mountain Trek from time to time because I enjoy being part of the environment there. I never leave without a goal, and the key lesson I have learned is how feeling better mentally is more important for me.  I also never leave without a new good friend.

Which of Mountain Trek’s pillars of holistic health (sleep, detox, nutrition, fitness, stress management) did you gain the most from?

The sleep piece was the first pillar I addressed as I was a chronic five-hour sleeper.  I thought this was a foundational piece for me, followed by nutrition and detox. I admit I can be all in on a nutrition lifestyle which sometimes leads to falling back to prior habits.  This is the area I struggle the most with because I am busy or have not prepped or have not shopped…I think we all know the reasons life and behaviours can get in the way but this is definitely the challenge to overcome.  I am still learning how this is the piece for me that is the key to physical AND mental well-being. 

What’s your favorite memory of Mountain Trek?

The first time I was able to reach the lake on the Kokanee Glacier Park trek was very emotional for me because, on previous trips, I knew other groups would reach it, and I never quite made it. Even more emotionally, on a later visit, I trekked passed the lake only to see a beautiful owl flying close overhead. A sign? Yes, I think so.

Has Mountain Trek changed the trajectory of your life?

Yes! Hiking is a passion now. Mountain Trek helped me have the confidence to explore hiking around the world. It is also my simplest way to meditate. The longer journey which I understand but struggle to execute is self-compassion. 

Karen at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro!

If you had one extra hour each day, what would you spend that hour doing?

I would have to give the hour to someone else. To this day, I admire my colleagues and staff who dedicated so much to their work even though they had families and long commutes. While I travelled a lot for work, I at least did not have to factor in taking care of a family or commuting. To me, they were truly amazing people.

Who inspires you and why?

It is very difficult to call out one as many people inspire me, some of whom I know personally, some I do not. Two mentors, Ed Garber and Glen Steeves, inspired me because of their people-focused leadership, which carried over into their personal lives. 

Do you have a favorite quote?

“Hope is not a strategy.”  Harsh as it may sound, I believe having hope is vital to well-being, but I also believe a plan, however simple, is needed.

If you could invite one person, living or deceased, over for a dinner party, who would that be and why?

Oh gosh, it’s impossible to select just one person! 

Karen at Everest Base Camp — 17,598 ft / 5,364 m!

Where is your favorite hike in the world? What makes it so special?

I love them all, but the Kumbu Valley trek to Everest Base Camp is the one I would call out.  Beautiful scenery, wonderful, kind local people and a great group of fellow hikers. 

I am fascinated by the early Mountaineers and the Sherpas who climbed Everest with the most rudimentary gear.  Their mental mindset is simply amazing.

Thanks, Karen! We really appreciate you taking the time to sit down with us and share your story. You are a true inspiration!

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Join Karen and the rest of the Mountain Trek Alumni at our award-winning retreat, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia, where you will unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at or reach out below:

Alumni Spotlight: Simone McKinney

Woman at top of mountain stopping to enjoy the views and rest

Laying on her sofa reading a travel magazine article and recovering after wisdom teeth surgery, Simone McKinney discovered Mountain Trek. It turns out that Canada, beautiful lakes, and hiking are three of her favorite things in life so just one month later, Simone arrived in beautiful British Columbia for the last week of our 2017 season. We owe a big “thank you” to Simone’s oral surgeon, as she has quickly become a beloved alum, frequently attending our Health Talk Happy Hours and joining our second ever Basecamp RetreatWe caught up with Simone to learn why she chose to come to Mountain Trek, how the program impacted her, and why, if she could have one person, living or deceased, over for dinner, it would be Pakistani activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai.

Who is Simone?

Simone is a global nomad who loves being active in nature, especially when she’s traveling which is often, except now during the pandemic not so much… Current travel (business) aside, she’s finding many silver linings.

What was your thought process when signing up for the health retreat? Why Mountain Trek?

Actually, I stumbled upon Mountain Trek when I was reading a travel magazine article about it on my couch while recovering from wisdom teeth surgery. I thought how cool is this – it’s in Canada, on a lake, and required hiking (for 6-7 hours daily for a week) – 3 of my favorite things in life. 🙂 Plus, a tough-love boot camp – what could be better?

Which of Mountain Trek’s pillars of holistic health (sleep, detox, nutrition, fitness, stress management) did you gain the most from?

Honestly, all of them with detox being the most – I learned new ways to detox (steam room, more massages, and lots more water) and actually implement them into my life.

What’s your favorite memory of Mountain Trek?

So many! Tough to choose just one so will give my top 3: staff, food, natural surroundings, not least of which Kootenay Lake – will forever remember morning yoga watching the sunrise on the lake – magical.

Has Mountain Trek changed the trajectory of your life?

Absolutely! Transformational. I practiced many of the activities that I had learned and experienced at MT when I returned home. I was never into yoga prior to MT, but MT inspired me, so my takeaway was to gradually increase the times I practiced yoga at home, going from once a week to twice, and now I enjoy morning and evening restorative yoga almost daily. Bedtime yoga helps me sleep better, as, in Kirk’s wise words, I use the hour to shut off all ‘blue’ light. I had such amazing experiences in Ainsworth that I eagerly signed up when the program was being offered in a condensed version at home virtually during the pandemic quarantining. I knew it couldn’t possibly replicate being immersed in the natural beauty of BC, but I was amazed and impressed by how so much came back to me. Last, but not least, my biggest aha moment was the cooking that we had to do given the virtual program aspect. I went from zero cooking to a mini Julia Child in the making (sort of) thanks to the virtual MT weekend, using MT recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. My friends are still in shock, as am I. 🙂 I can’t wait to be back on Kootenay Lake at the MT home and learn more to fold into my MT practices. Meanwhile, I enjoy the alumni Zoom talks and receiving the wonderful newsletters that Alex arranges so well and Kirk’s enlightening guidance on a variety of self-care topics as well as hearing the guest staff speakers and chatting with alumni. Suffice to say, I’m drinking the healthy MT Kool-aid. ;).

If you had one extra hour each day, what would you spend that hour doing?

Meditation and journaling.

Who inspires you and why?

Mountain Trek – see above. 🙂

Do you have a favorite quote?

“Learn from yesterday. Live for today. Hope for tomorrow.” -Albert Einstein

If you could invite one person, living or deceased, over for a dinner party, who would that be and why?

Pakistani activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai. I have so much respect and admiration for Malala – just a young girl simply going to school, who was killed by the Taliban for wanting an education, only because she was female. I’m in awe of how she survived with a bullet through her head, living to tell the horrific tale, going on to study at Oxford and earning the Nobel Peace Prize, now helping girls all over the world become educated. Karma… I’d like to ask Malala what it felt like to endure such a horrible experience and how she made it through so bravely. I’d want to learn what if anything has changed as a result of her actions in countries like Pakistan and others where females are deemed inferior. Lastly, I’d want to thank her as a woman for all that she’s doing to try to put a stop to such needless suffering and help foster a better global understanding.

Where is your favorite hike in the world? What makes it so special?

Macchu Pichu, Sacred Valley, Inca Trail—fascinating history and breathtaking scenery.

Simone, hiking through Peru

Thanks, Simone! We really appreciate you taking the time to sit down with us and share your story. You are a true inspiration!

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Join Simone and the rest of the Mountain Trek Alumni at our award-winning retreat, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia, where you will unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at or reach out below:

Alumni Spotlight: Alison Simpson

Alison Simpson, Mountain Trek Alum, at the peak of Kilimanjaro

Alison Simpson, Mountain Trek Alumna, at the peak of Kilimanjaro

Alison Simpson has completed 57 marathons and ultras, including winning her age group in a 250km Race Across the Sahara Desert, and has climbed Mt Kilimanjaro to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Society. When she’s not ticking off her bucket list via traveling and running, Alison works as an award-winning marketer, and seasoned brand and business-builder. We caught up with this dog-loving powerhouse to learn how the Mountain Trek program in British Columbia affected her physically, mentally and emotionally.      

Who is Alison? 

I’m a passionate brand and business builder who’s had the privilege of building world class brands like Apple, Holt Renfrew, Tim Hortons, Rogers and Ford. I’m equally passionate about testing my physical boundaries, and exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations around the world with my amazing husband.


What was your thought process when signing up for the health retreat? Why Mountain Trek? 

I learned of Mountain Trek from friends who raved about the experience, which is why it was top-of-mind when I needed a physical reset. While it certainly wasn’t planned this way, my first visit to Mountain Trek started two days after I gave the eulogy at my mom’s funeral when she unexpectedly passed away. Trekking through the mountains, and immersing myself in the stunning views, while I grieved my mom proved to be a powerful combination.


Which of Mountain Trek’s pillars of holistic health (sleep, detox, nutrition, fitness, stress management) did you gain the most from? 

For someone who loves sugar, the detox and nutrition were powerful. The fitness was my favorite part, and the combination of all 3 made stepping on the scale at the end of the week a surprisingly happy experience.


A woman crosses the finish line after 250km across the Sahara desert

Alison crosses the finish line after running 250km across the Sahara desert

What’s your favorite memory of Mountain Trek? 

The people. My fellow trekkers and the incredible Mountain trek team made for a highly rewarding and rejuvenating week.


Has Mountain Trek changed the trajectory of your life? 

Mountain Trek helped me recommit to healthier habits, such as making more time for my physical and mental health. I was guilty of de-prioritizing myself, and my experience at Mountain Trek reminded me that ultimately that’s not good for myself or the people around me.


If you had one extra hour each day, what would you spend that hour doing? 

Laughing with the people I love.


Who inspires you and why? 

It’s a long list. The common themes are people who overcame odds to create a great life and remained humble and curious in success.


Do you have a favorite quote? 

“Happiness is an inside job.”


Alison finishing one of her 57 Marathons

If you could invite one person, living or dead, over for a dinner party, who would that be and why? 

Indra Nooyi. She was the first female CEO of Pepsi, and one of the first female CEOs of a Fortune 500 company. Learning about her journey and experiences would be inspiring.


Where is your favorite hike in the world? What makes it so special? 

Summiting Kilimanjaro with my sister and brother-in-law ranks high. The week my husband and I spent hiking through Bhutan tops my list, so far. My personal favorite trek in Bhutan was Tiger’s Nest. 

We are looking forward to experiencing Alison’s favorite hike, Tiger’s Nest, this Spring when Mountain Trek and 12 alumni join us for an experience of a lifetime in Bhutan!

Join Alison and the rest of the Mountain Trek Alumni in achieving the health reset you’ve been looking for. Get your questions answered or Reserve your stay to experience an award-winning fitness retreat & health spa in the lush mountains of British Columbia. There is no time like now.

Alumni Spotlight: Katie Arnoldi

Katie Arnoldi, a critically-acclaimed American author based in Southern California, experienced a week at Mountain Trek last July. She and I did the program together, and I was able to witness, first-hand, how much the program changed her. Almost a year later, I sat down with Katie to learn more about Mountain Trek’s effect on her daily outlook.

Mountain Trek attracts all sorts for all sorts of reason. I, for one, chose to do the program for hormonal imbalance reasons. What was your thought process in signing up for the retreat?

I signed up for Mountain Trek on a whim.  I’d been in France for three weeks, eating and drinking everything in sight, and I came home feeling fat, unmotivated and unhealthy.  Years ago, I’d been to the Ashram in California and I enjoyed my experience there.  I found Mountain Trek on the internet and saw that they ran a similar program, and so I decided to head up to Canada to lose five pounds.  That was my conscious motive for going.  In retrospect, there was a much deeper reason for my need to take a week off and just focus on myself.  2017-18 was a very tough year, both professionally and personally, and I had kind of lost the beat.  I was 59 and I really needed to get back in touch with my priorities and set some new goals. 

From the airplane to arriving at the lodge, what was the story going through your head when you started your journey to the lodge?  

It’s an easy flight from LA up to Spokane. The shuttle driver came and found me in the baggage claim area before I even had time to look for him. It was 100% stress-free. I expected a wide range of age and fitness levels, and that’s pretty much what I saw as I walked down the isle of the shuttle bus, sizing up my fellow campers.  No problem, I thought.  Piece of cake, I told myself. I was feeling pretty confident as I worked my way back, and maybe even smug, until I passed this glowing, uber-athletic, ultra-buff, couple in their 20s.  What the heck were they doing here?  They were perfectly fit and way, way too young.  I looked at them and my heart sank. How on earth could I keep up with a couple of specimens like that?  I found my seat at the back of the bus, looked out the window and tortured myself with worry on the entire beautiful drive to Mountain Trek.  What had I gotten myself into?  I was going to slow everybody down.  I didn’t belong here.  Maybe I should just head home now and save everyone a lot of trouble.  Silly, silly me. 

That “glowing” couple was my husband and me, which is ironic because I was a mess, hormonally, and my husband had recently come out of a 10-day stay in hospital after having surgery on his collapsed lung. I suppose this is a good reminder we all enter the Mountain Trek program for different reasons, and in different physical states. What was your experience during the program?

Mountain Trek is not a competitive program, and the instructors/guides are fabulous.  They split everyone into four groups for the hikes, so you can choose how hard you want to work on any given day, and you can change your mind, mid hike! You can start out in a fast group and drop back to a slow group and no one cares. If you need to take a break or skip a class, go for it.  You decide your own pace. It’s fantastic.  Of course they push you, but only within your personal limitations.  I never felt like I had to prove anything, and I was really grateful for that.  My experience was based on my needs.  The rooms are comfortable.  The food was fantastic, and I didn’t feel deprived.  I did get caffeine withdrawal headaches, so I plan to knock off the coffee a couple weeks prior to my next visit this summer, but that was my only negative. 

I thought I entered the program for nutrition, but sleep ended up being the biggest game-changer for me. Which of Mountain Trek’s pillars of balanced living–sleep, detox, nutrition, fitness, destress–did you gain the most from?

I was the 1992 Southern California Bodybuilding Champion, and I thought I knew everything about nutrition, detox and fitness, but I went into the program with an open mind and was surprised by how much I didn’t know.  I learned something important at every lecture.  Mountain Trek teaches a very commonsense approach to living with practical tools that are easy to incorporate into everyday life.  I came home with a new set of priorities about my sleep habits, and I started meditating as a way to destress.  It’s subtle, but I made some significant changes to the way I approach my overall health, and I feel a lot better as a result of my time at the retreat.  I’m happier.  And those five pounds are still gone. 

I still think about the fabulous post-hike foot soaks we all did while sitting in the living room. What’s your favorite memory of Mountain Trek?

I’m not going to lie: the massages are excellent and I loved the sauna, hot tub and cold plunge.  It felt great to relax after working hard all day.  The setting is beautiful and so peaceful.  The staff is incredible—smart, funny, and inspirational.  It’s all wonderful.

Has Mountain Trek changed the trajectory of your life?

I think that taking a week off to just focus on oneself—physical health, feelings, goals, relationships, expectations—is a great luxury.  For me, that week was hugely productive and therapeutic.  I plan to do an annual visit to Mountain Trek, and I’ve recommended the program to most of my friends. 

Katie will be returning to Mountain Trek this summer to continue on her path to optimal health. If you see her around the lodge, say hi, and ask her about living in Malibu with a famous painter of a husband, Charles Arnoldi.